November 1, 2023
Dear Legislators and Friends,
I write to you today with a heavy heart, deeply troubled by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Israeli and Gaza nations. The loss of thousands of innocent lives, the displacement of families, and the pervasive fear caused by the brutal attacks of the terrorist group Hamas have left our global community in shock and mourning.
In condemning the actions of Hamas, I encourage us all to stand in unwavering support of the state of Israel as they defend their country and people in acts of self-defense. My heart goes out to all those affected, irrespective of their nationality or background. It is heartbreaking to acknowledge the thousands of innocent Palestinian lives lost, individuals with no involvement in the heinous attacks perpetrated by Hamas. Immediate action is imperative; further delay puts more innocent lives at risk.
As president of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, I strongly advocate for the adoption of the following policy positions by our esteemed organization:
Peaceful Resolution: Let us prioritize dialogue and peaceful negotiations, encouraging all parties involved to work towards a just and lasting solution to the conflict.
Humanitarian Aid: We must increase humanitarian aid to provide essential resources, including food, clean water, and medical supplies, to the affected populations in Israeli and Gaza nations. Support for relief organizations is paramount in this endeavor.
Protection of Civilians: The safety and well-being of civilians, especially children and vulnerable populations, must be the foremost priority. All parties must take measures to protect innocent lives during military actions.
Combatting Terrorism: Terrorism, in all its forms, must be unequivocally condemned. International cooperation is necessary to counter terrorism and maintain stability in the region.
In these trying times, let us reject hatred and prejudice, embracing the virtues of empathy, understanding, and peace. Together, we can forge a path towards a future where dialogue resolves conflicts, compassion prevails over violence, and the dignity of every human being is respected.
With hope for a peaceful future,
Rep. Laura Hall (AL)
President, NBCSL