The US Senate approved a historic $2 trillion stimulus deal to bolster our suffering economy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The US House of Representatives have since passed the Bill and the President signed it into law.
We have included copies of both the voluminous H.R.748 – CARES Act and our summarized version for your easy review. You may also choose the option to download both documents.
Some of the key stimulus funding include $250 billion set aside for direct payments to individuals and families, $350 billion in small business loans, $250 billion in unemployment insurance benefits and $500 billion in loans for distressed companies. This legislation represents the largest emergency aid package in US history.
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{modal}Preview the Summary{/modal} / Download the Summary
{modal BILL-HR748enr_FINAL.pdf}Preview the H.R.748 – CARES Act{/modal} / Download the H.R.748 – CARES Act