NBCSL Condemns Tennessee House Leadership for Potential Expulsion of Three Legislators

Washington, D.C—The National Black Caucus of State Legislators condemn Tennessee House Leadership for taking steps to expel three legislators for “disorderly behavior” following a protest for gun reform on the chamber Floor last week in response to the deadly shooting at the Covenant School.

Representatives Gloria Johnson and NBCSL members—Justin Jones and Justin Pearson led protestors in the galleries calling for gun reform. House leadership has now villainized the trio’s actions calling it an “insurrection.” Further claims, as stated in the expulsion resolutions, that the three “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions.”

“I am saddened by the potential expulsion of these three legislators for exercising their First Amendment right on the chamber floor,” said Representative Laura Hall (AL), President of NBCSL, “Gun reform continues to be a frontline issue in all states, and we must continue to work to pass legislation to reduce the loss of innocent lives.”

NBCSL continues to support gun reform laws. In 2022, NBCSL passed Resolution LJE-22-57 supporting the repeal of “Stand Your Ground” Laws. Each of us as state legislators are working to bring forth comprehensive legislation to ensure gun safety and prevent tragedies from happening. For more information, visit our website www.nbcsl.org.