NBCSL extends condolences to victims of the Jacksonville Mass Shooting

Washington DC – “The National Black Caucus of State Legislators extends its deepest condolences to the victims, family members, and friends of the individuals killed and wounded in our nation’s latest mass shooting that occurred on Sunday afternoon in Jacksonville, Florida, at a video game tournament,” said Representative Gregory W. Porter, IN, President of the NBCSL.

“There have been more than 150 mass shootings in the United States since the beginning of the year.  The impact of the loss of life and injuries affecting young and old alike is immeasurable,” said Porter.  “Unfortunately, this has become a common occurrence in our nation and we must change that.  There are numerous things that need to be discussed and changed at both the state and federal levels to diminish and, hopefully, eradicate mass shootings in America.  One of those areas is ensuring that individuals who have been diagnosed with mental health conditions are unable to purchase firearms.

“The Jacksonville shooter had been known to have mental health problems, but somehow—like several others before him—he was still able to purchase a weapon that he used to wreak havoc on innocent and unsuspecting people in a public setting.  NBCSL is committed to working with other organizations and mental health experts to ensure that stricter laws are passed to prohibit individuals who suffer from mental health conditions from purchasing firearms,” Porter concluded.