Policy Resolution LWD-16-33

Labor and Workforce Development (LWD) Committee

WHEREAS, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) has a long history of supporting meaningful re-entry and rehabilitation opportunities for citizens returning from incarceration to their homes and communities;

WHEREAS, individuals should be receiving appropriate service delivery, perform proper and aligned assessments, where agencies use effective tools to assess the risk levels across all integrated agencies of care for re-entry persons;

WHEREAS, successful offender re-entry and reintegration into the community is a matter of critical importance to the public’s safety; however, re-entry is often unsuccessful due to the barriers offenders face, including a lack of access to family and community support;

WHEREAS, the Council of State Governments has presented research and studies on reintegration, wrap around services for re-entry populations, specifically the impact of increased employment opportunities;

WHEREAS, there is research that asserts a continuum of services entered into by one or more contracts through Prisons, Divisions of Parole and nonprofits or private entities, that providing a continuum of services for effective,  necessary reintegration, and appropriate referrals, to offenders or parolees participating in a correctional or judicial program is beneficial;

WHEREAS, comprehensive services such as:  (a) transitional housing; (b) treatment pertaining to substance abuse or mental health; (c) training in life skills;  (d) vocational rehabilitation and job skills training; (e) access and availability of any appropriate self-help groups; (f) social services for families and children; (g) permanent housing (h) financial counseling; (i) domestic violence counseling and family reintegration counseling (j) any other services required by offenders or parolees who are  participating in a correctional or judicial program can improve reintegration results;

WHEREAS, Washington, D.C. has provided research that every two out of every three men were employed before they were incarcerated, and many were the primary financial contributors in their households. Individuals who have been incarcerated can expect future annual earnings to be reduced by some 40 percent after returning to society.

WHEREAS, Department of Labor and the Department of Justice awarded RExO and Second Chance Act grants to support job training and placement for individuals returning to their communities after incarceration. We have the duty and responsibility to make sure there is proper alignment services delivery, risk assessment, continuums of delivery through contract providers and provisions so that there is effective interagency alignment through national and state policies; and

WHEREAS, the American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section has provided research via the NICCC project which identifies, collects, statutory policy which codified collateral sanctions, this research provides a snap shot into states and shines a spotlight on potential impediments to successful re-entry; and the need to address different levels of policy interventions and service integration policies for re-entry persons.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBSCL) recognizes the importance of the creation of a continuum of service delivery for re-entry persons that connects and coordinates, agencies and providers. Provides for constant communication with contract delivery, communication, assessment of risk, services, and needs to make the continuum effective;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NBCSL supports reauthorization of the Second Chance Act, and urges congress to increase authorization amounts, provide increased flexibility, and fully fund programs under the Second Chance Act; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate, and other federal and state government officials as appropriate.

SPONSOR: Assemblywoman Dina Neal (NV)

  • Committee of Jurisdiction: Labor and Workforce Development Policy Committee
  • Certified by Committee Co-Chairs:  Senator Ron Rice (NJ) and Assemblywoman Annette Robinson (NY)
  • Ratified in Plenary Session: Ratification Date is December 4, 2015
  • Ratification is certified by: Senator Catherine Pugh (MD), President