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- Chair:
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This committee addresses the plight of black farmers who have been discriminated against; develops policies to protect African-American landholdings and land acquisition; raises awareness of eminent domain abuse; and promotes 1890 (historically black) land grant universities and the economic empowerment of rural communities.
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee develops policies that promote consumer protection and insure the safety and solvency of insurers. It reviews and addresses matters related to the regulation of corporations and financial institutions and examines bank policies and corporate practices that affect the financial stability and economic development of the African-American community (examples include availability of small business loans, affordable mortgage loans, and community reinvestment).
- Chair:
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee compares state educational policies and programs that affect African-American’s access to quality education. It monitors the equal distribution of resources affecting the success of the African-American student in pursuit of higher education and in the achievement of excellence (examples include admission-retention, financial aid, and athletic scholarships). This committee also reviews and develops policies concerning the recruitment and retention of African-American students, tenure-track professors at state and federally funded institutions, as well as the financial health and viability of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
- Chair:
- Co-Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee promotes preparedness and readiness to respond to natural and manmade disasters. The committee fosters collaboration and cooperation between officials at all levels of government, public and private relief agencies, and community-based organizations to ensure individuals and affected areas can quickly recover from the financial and economic consequences of catastrophic events. This committee develops solutions to make sure that victims of natural disasters are able to return and participate in rebuilding their communities.
- Chair:
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee monitors issues related to sources of alternative energy, domestic transportation of people and goods, and the protection of the environment. It reviews issues related to the research, exploration, development, production, utilization and regulation of US alternative energy resources and renewable sources. The committee considers matters concerning air, water and surface transportation (examples include state-federal partnerships, federal-aid to highway and mass transit programs and state authority to regulate the transportation authority).
- Chair:
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- Co-Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee addresses issues pertaining to health care, health education, research, health employment, and the promotion of good health care policy with a view toward the specific indications for the African-American community.
- Chair:
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee reviews and addresses all matters regarding gaming, sports and entertainment that affect people of color.
- Chair:
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee develops policies and solutions to the nation’s housing problem. It examines state and federal policies and regulations that address homeownership, housing and mortgage lending discrimination, low-income housing, predatory lending practices, homelessness, land use planning, neighborhood revitalization, eminent domain, and related issues.
- Chair:
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- CRT Liaison:
This committee considers policies which encourage foreign investment, such as trade agreements, and export-import promotion. It promotes participation of African- Americans in the global economy. This committee seeks to 1) develop and strengthen relationships with nations and people of color in Africa and throughout the world by focusing on the exchange of educational culture, material business, and financial resources and 2) develop broader foreign policy perspectives that will address human rights, economic development, health and environment, peace and democracy primarily as they relate to Africa and the African Diaspora.
- Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee reviews and addresses issues and practices related to labor, military, and veterans affairs (examples include labor/management relations, affirmative action, minimum wage and standards, right to work, pay equity, employment security, family leave and child care. It also monitors veteran rights as they relate to disability, health care and mental health and other concerns related to servicemen and veterans.
- Chair:
- Co-Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee addresses issues related to affirmative action; criminal justice, including mandatory sentencing laws, alternatives to incarceration and ex-offender re-entry services; state and federal initiatives to eradicate illegal drug trafficking; crime victims’ assistance programs; and racial profiling. The committee monitors judicial and U.S. Attorney appointments and Public Defender programs, and studies the disparate treatment of African Americans in convictions and sentencing (including death penalty) and formulates policy to effect remediation.
The committee also monitors redistricting plans and enforcement of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It addresses barriers to voting such as photo identification requirements and the disenfranchisement of former offenders.
- Chair:
- Co-Chair:
- Co-Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee reviews and addresses matters related to telecommunications (including infrastructure access, taxation and rate setting), science and technology that affect minorities. It assesses rules on deregulation and its impact on African American access. The committee devises policy and programs to promote the understanding and participation of African-Americans in the telecommunications industry.
This committee also develops and promotes the integration of technology in K-12 curricula; promotes an increase in the representation of African Americans in engineering and other technical professions; and assesses the impact of technology on voting rights and civic engagement.
- Chair:
- CRT Liaison:
This committee focuses on the development of policies and programs that address issues affecting the well-being and future of African American youth. It promotes programs to help young people better understand the legislative process and directs attention to the mentoring and development of African American youth.