• President Barack H. Obama is sworn in for a second term as the 44th President of the United States.
  • Tennessee State Representative Joe Armstrong is installed NBCSL’s 10th president.
  • President Joe Armstrong (TN), President-Elect, Senator Catherine Pugh (MD), Vice President, Representative Gregory Porter (IN), and Health and Human Services Committee Chair, Senator Constance “Connie” Johnson (OK) participate in the National Medical Association (NMA) National Colloquium on African- American Health in Washington, D.C., themed, “Improving Access to Care, Addressing Health Disparities, and Combating Stigma in Disease.” President Armstrong and President- Elect Pugh serve as panelists.
  • Two bombers attack civilians during the Boston Marathon. Three people are killed and 100 wounded.
  • A massive tornado hits mid- Western states. The majority of the damage is centered on two Oklahoma cities – Oklahoma City and Moore. The tornado is named the worst to have hit the area since May of 2011.
  • NBCSL convenes in San Francisco, CA for the 8th annual Promoting Healthy Lifestyles” symposium. Funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Company, the theme focuses on “Building Healthy Communities.” The conference features discussion on innovation of biosimilar medicines, providing support for those living with sickle cell anemia, and promoting cultural competency.
  • NBCSL convenes with the National Asian Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators (NAPACSL), the National Caucus of Native American State Legislators (NCNASL) and the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) for the first Quad Caucus meeting of the year. The event is held in Honolulu, Hawaii. The meeting focuses on asset building, community health, and economic development.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court makes a ruling on Affirmative Action in Fisher v. University of Texas. While holding Affirmative Action constitutional, the Court ruled that the lower court improperly used reasoning from Grutter v. Bollinger in its decision and sent the case back to the lower court for review. The University of Texas’ Affirmative Action policy remains in place.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision rules Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 unconstitutional and recommends members of Congress to devise a new formula. NBCSL sends an open letter to President Obama and to Congress urging a new formula to be developed.
  • President Joe Armstrong (TN) speaks on a panel at the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council (MMTC) 11th Annual Access to Capital and Telecom Policy Conference. The panel consists of Congressional members and other legislative leaders focused on introducing, promoting, and enacting access to capital legislation to increase minority- and women-owned business enterprises ownership and participation in tech and communications industries.
  • Detroit, MI files Chapter 9 bankruptcy becoming the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in American history.
  • NBCSL Past President and Tennessee State Representative Lois M. DeBerry passes. Representative DeBerry served as National Chair of NBCSL’s 37th Annual Legislative Conference and was the first woman president of the organization.
  • George Zimmerman is acquitted of second degree murder and manslaughter charges in the death of 17 year-old Trayvon Martin. The death of Trayvon Martin polarized communities and shone a spotlight on racial profiling and Stand Your Ground laws nationwide.
  • The second Quad Caucus meeting is held in the Atlanta, GA in advance of the NCSL Annual Legislative Summit. The meeting focuses on improving the dental health of minorities and reducing risky youth behavior related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) hosts it Annual Legislative Summit in Atlanta, GA. NBCSL holds an Executive Committee meeting and Corporate Round Table meeting during this time.
  • U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder states the Department of Justice will no longer pursue mandatory minimums for certain low-level, nonviolent drug offenses.
  • NBCSL members from across the country convene in Washington, D.C. with partner civil rights organizations, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington.
  • NBCSL hosts the 2nd annual “Standing on Common Ground Policy” symposium, funded by the Gill Foundation in Philadelphia, PA. The symposium focuses on eradicating the school-to-prison pipeline and bullying.
  • President-Elect Senator Catherine Pugh (MD) speaks on the “Security Clearances: Necessary Job Requirement or Proxy for Discrimination?” panel sponsored by U.S. Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on the role of credit background checks as part of security clearances and employment during the Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus.
  • President Joe Armstrong (TN) participates in fact-finding mission to France organized by NCSL.
  • Civil Rights activist Evelyn Lowery dies.
  • The federal government shuts down for the first time since 1996. Unable to agree on a funding bill, hundreds of thousands of federal employees are furloughed and the shutdown lasts for 16 days.
  • Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) begins in state and federal exchanges on October 1.
  • NBCSL holds its 20th Annual Black America’s Dialogue on Health symposium in the city of Indianapolis, IN. Through the support of Eli Lilly and Company, the theme is “Breaking Through Depression: What It Is, What It Looks Like, What to Do About It.”
  • The third Quad Caucus meeting is held in Jackson, MS. The event focuses on improving juvenile justice outcomes and advancing juvenile wellness.
  • Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker wins special election to become New Jersey’s first African- American U.S. Senator. With this win, Senator Booker (D- NJ) becomes the fourth elected African-American senator since Reconstruction.
  • President-Elect Senator Catherine Pugh (MD) speaks on the “Building Wealth Through Homeownership, Post Crisis” panel of the Operation Hope’s Global Financial Dignity Summit.
  • The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles unanimously votes to posthumously pardon the last of the Scottsboro Boys, Haywood Patterson, Charles Weems and Andy Wright. The pardon was made possible by a bill co- sponsored by Alabama Representatives Laura Hall and Barbara Boyd, in recognition of the gross miscarriage of justice suffered by the Scottsboro boys, who were falsely accused of rape and then denied fair representation.
  • NBCSL convenes for the 37th Annual Legislative Conference in Memphis, TN at the Peabody Hotel. The conference theme is “PROGRESS: Moving Our States Forward Through Policy Action.”