NBCSL Applauds Passing and Signing into Law Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, President Biden signed long-awaited bipartisan gun safety bill. NBCSL applauds Congress and the President for making this step toward making our communities safer.

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act comes following the tragic mass shootings in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX. This is the first major gun law legislation in decades.

“We are happy to see this step forward in making our communities safer,” said President Billy Mitchell, “We thank Congress for working together to prevent future tragedies in this country. We also thank President Biden for signing this bill into law and ensuring the safety of loved ones everywhere.”

NBCSL has been a long-time strong advocate for gun safety legislation. Our legislators continue to be at the forefront of their legislative bodies fighting for gun control and safety in their communities. It is also an established fact that sensible gun control legislation begins by example within the hallowed halls of state legislatures where NBCSL members serve their constituents. NBCSL has also ratified resolutions over the years on effective gun control policies, such as,  Resolution 19-10, which addresses the subject and details active policies that can serve as a catalyst for complementing the efforts of lawmakers.

We are pleased to see that through a bi-partisan effort, this step was taken to craft legislation to protect Americans.

For more information on NBCSL and gun control, visit www.NBCSL.org.
