The National Black Caucus of State Legislators Renews Statement on the Derek Chauvin Murder Conviction

Contact: Lamar Davis, NBCSL Communications Director
Phone: 501.993.1283

Washington, D.C. – April 20, 2021 – The National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL)

It was murder—plain and simple. The jury in the Derek Chauvin trial confirmed that we can and should believe our eyes and trust our instincts to distinguish right from wrong. As Derick Chauvin forced his knee on George Floyd’s neck to drain Floyd’s life, he unwittingly gave life to a new movement and measure of accountability for police. In fact, Chauvin helped to bring to fruition the prophecy of little Gianna Floyd who claimed, “Daddy changed the world”.

On behalf of NBCSL Members everywhere, we thank the Floyd Family for its profile in courage and humanity as they continually called for police accountability and reform through peaceful and non-violent protests. We also thank and commend the witnesses in this trial who not only had the courage to record George Floyd’s murder, but also showed their resolve by participating in the trial. Finally, we commend the fine team assembled by Attorney General Keith Ellison as well as the Minneapolis police officers who had the courage to stand up for justice and accountability.

“Although jury trials have legal precedential value they are not designed to serve as a vehicle for societal change. The change we need in policing must come from policy makers like the men and women of NBCSL. That’s why we established ‘Ethical Policing’ a policy platform to help states like Minnesota, Illinois, and other states to prevent any family from the tragedy suffered by the George Floyd family and others”, said NBCSL President Billy Mitchell.

For more information on NBCSL’s law enforcement reform efforts click here.

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