• NBCSL, NHCSL, and the Council of State Governments convene their last health meeting in conjunction with the Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC) a three year partnership called “Healthy States” in Florida.
  • NBCSL and the National Medical Association (NMA) meet in Arlington, Virginia to discuss health disparities. The meeting was sponsored by Pfizer Inc.
  • NBCSL convenes 1st Regional IX meeting in Detriot, Michigan. Hosted by Rep. Brenda Clack, Chair of NBCSL Region IX.
  • NBCSL President, Rep. Calvin Smyre (GA) leads delegation of NBCSL members for its first “NBCSL Day on the Hill” Attending are NBCSL Vice President, Rep. Barbara Ballard (KS), Rep. Joe Armstrong, (TN), Rep. Brenda Clack (MI), Sen. Donne Trotter (IL), Rep. William Crawford (IN), Assembly Member Morse Arberry (NV), Rep. Harold James (PA), Rep. Greg Porter (IN), NBCSL Executive Director LaKimba DeSadier, and NBCSL Division Director Atiba Madyun. The delegation meets with the House Majority Leader Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC), House Ways and Means Chair Charles Rangle (NY), Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI), Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Chairman Kendrick Meek (FL), and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus to discuss NBCSL priorities on Housing, Sustainability, and Juvenile Justice.
  • NBCSL International Committee 1st Vice Chair – Senator Jackie Winters (OR), and NBCSL International Committee 2nd Vice Chair – Delegate Nathaniel Oaks (MD) travel to Tanzania representing NBCSL for the VIII OIC Leon Sullivan Summit.
  • NBCSL honors Spike Lee, Senate President Peter Groff (CO), Senate President Emil Jones (IL), Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass (CA), US Senate President Usie Richards (VI), Speaker Pro Tempore Lois DeBerry (TN), and Minority Leader Calvin Smyre (GA) during the Democratic National Convention.
  • NBCSL President, Rep. Calvin Smyre attends several White House events; Black History Month Celebration (February), Pope Benedict XVI visit to the White House and President George W. Bush signing of the 2nd Chance Act.
  • NBCSL and NHCSL meet for the third Promoting Healthy Lifestyles meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona sponsored by NOVARTIS.
  • NBCSL hosts 15th Annual Mental Health Conference sponsored by Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, Indiana and meeting is broadcast for the first time simultaneously to Miami, Florida, Detroit, Michigan and through the NBCSL website.
  • NBCSL members and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members meet for the fifth consecutive year during CBC’s 38th Annual Legislative for a breakfast meeting to discuss public policy sponsored by Merck.
  • NBCSL convenes 32nd Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. at the Marriott Wardman Park.