- 7.0 M Earthquake tears through Haiti killing 230,000, injuring 300,000, and causing 1,000,000 to become homeless.
- President Obama signs sweeping healthcare reform legislation, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, expanding coverage to over 30,000,000 Americans. President Calvin Smyre attends the presidential signing of the amended legislation, The Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act, which radically improves financial access to higher education and provides a record $2 billion in funding to HBCUs.
- President Calvin Smyre participates on a nationally televised panel as part of the National Action Network Convention in New York.
- NBCSL and the National Medical Association (NMA) meet in Arlington, VA. The meeting, funded by Pfizer Inc. is entitled, “Health System Reform: From Legislation to Implementation. An estimated 32 NBCSL members attend. President Calvin Smyre brings greetings, Rep. Joe Armstrong (TN) moderates, and the following members serve as panelists: Rep. Benjamin Swan (MA), Rep. Laura Hall (AL), Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (MD), Rep. Howard Mosby (GA), Rep. Greg Porter (IN), and Rep. Gloria Fox (MA).
- Renowned civil rights leader, attorney, and 15-year director of NAACP Benjamin Hooks passes at the age of 85.
- President Calvin Smyre, Rep. Laura Hall (AL), and Rep. Charmaine Stiaes (LA) meet with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate at African American stakeholder event.
- Dr. Dorothy Height, 40-year president of NCNW and recipient of nation’s top honors for civilians, dies at 98.
- British Petroleum oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico and unleashes the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry.
- Forty-two Tennessee counties are declared disaster areas by the federal government after severe storms and floods cause two dozen deaths and over $1.5 billion in property damage.
- NOBEL/Women honors President Calvin Smyre with Shining Star Award in Anchorage, AK at their annual conference.
- President Calvin Smyre attends signing of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act at the White House.
- NBCSL and CBC hosts Black Elected Officials Luncheon during CBC Week. U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is the keynote speaker and President Calvin Smyre moderates the event.
- Elena Kagan becomes fourth woman in U.S. history to be sworn into U.S. Supreme Court; it is also the first time three women serve simultaneously.
- NBCSL and NHSCL meet for the fifth Promoting Healthy Lifestyles mental health symposium in San Diego, California funded by NOVARTIS.
- NBCSL hosts 16th Annual Conference funded by Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, Indiana. The topic is “Combating Cancer in our Communities.”
- Would-be terrorist, Faisal Shahzad, attempts to blow up Times Square with a propane and gas bomb he placed in an abandoned vehicle.
- The world watches as 33 Chilean miners who had been trapped for a record 65 days one half mile beneath the earth’s surface are all rescued in a complex operation.
- Fourth Annual National Conference on Health Disparities is held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. President Calvin Smyre, Sen. Rodney Ellis (TX), Rep. Joe Armstrong (TN), and Rep. Jewell Williams (PA) all speak on a panel.
- Our dear friend and colleague, Representative Ulysses Jones (TN), First Vice President of NBCSL and Rules Committee Member passes. Vice President Barbara Ballard gives eulogy at services near Memphis, Tennessee.