• NBCSL President Senator Catherine Pugh hosts Inaugural Swearing- In Ceremony and holds Executive Committee Meeting.
  • President Barack Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration is blocked by federal district court judge.
  • Thousands convene in Montgomery, AL to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Selma. NBCSL Members and members of the Corporate Roundtable meet in Selma for the ceremony.
  • The United States Department of Justice releases a report demonstrating that the Ferguson Police has discriminated against and violated the constitutional rights of the city’s African- American residents.
  • President Catherine Pugh assembles NBCSL members in Baltimore, MD for the Spring Executive Meeting. Members of NBCSL stood with members from the Maryland’s Legislative Black Caucus as they hosted a press conference to address the growing tension in the state.
  • Days of unrest break out in Baltimore, MD after Freddie Gray dies after a spinal injury while in custody of Baltimore police. State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby files charges against all six officers involved in his death.
  • The nation is rocked as nine African Americans lose their lives at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. NBCSL Member Senator Clementa Pinckney is one of the lives lost in the shooting.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) declares Liberia free of Ebola, more than a year after the first outbreak.
  • The United States Supreme Court rules in favor of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), holding all individuals are eligible to receive subsidies under the ACA. The Supreme Court also rules in favor of marriage equality, making it legal in all 50 states.
  • The South Carolina legislature passes bill to remove Confederate flag from State House grounds.
  • Legislators from the National Asian and Pacific American Caucus of State Legislators, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, and the National Native American Caucus of State Legislators meet for the final Quad Caucus Meeting (W.K. Kellogg) in San Francisco, CA.
  • Cuba and the United States reestablish diplomatic relations after over 50 years.
  • Pope Francis becomes the fourth Pope to visit the United States. While in the U.S. Pope Francis visit Washington, DC, New York City, and Philadelphia. 20 members of NBCSL are there to witness the event at the White House.
  • NBCSL holds its third Executive Committee meeting at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Annual Legislative Summit in Seattle, WA
  • Former NAACP chairman and former Georgia state Representative Julian Bond passes away.
  • NBCSL and NHCSL partner for the 9th Annual Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Symposium, supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Company. Nearly 40 legislators came together to learn about heart-healthy policies and strategies.
  • NBCSL hosts reception honoring the Black Enterprise’s “100 Top Black Businesses of 2014” as well as honors members of the Corporate Roundtable, during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. NBCSL also holds its fourth Executive Committee meeting for the year.
  • Members of Quad Caucus come together under a grant by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, to learn more about race impact studies and how legislators can develop policy aimed at improving the lives of children of color
  • 2016 Presidential Candidates have their first set of debates in the U.S. Most notably, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Dr. Ben Carson, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, and businessman Donald Trump comprise the pool of candidates running for President.
  • Black students at the University of Missouri protest and call for the resignation of the university president following a string of negative events motivated by race.
  • NBCSL meets in Los Angeles, CA for the 39th Annual Legislative Conference. This year’s theme is “Leading by Balancing Justice and Opportunities”